The Other Selves. On the Phenomenon of the Microbiome
Opening 26 February, 2016
François-Joseph Lapointe, 1000 Handshakes, Performance, 2014
In the run up to our next series Nonhuman Subjectivities, opening 26 February 2016 with the exhibition The Other Selves. On the Phenomenon of the Microbiome, we are glad to announce a series of events together with the Vorspiel programme of the transmediale and CTM.
23 January, 2016, 8PM - Sarah Hermanutz: Mind Blind: Therapeutic Interventions for Human/Nonhuman Communications | Entrance with donation
In her performance-lecture Sarah Hermanutz draws upon methods and aesthetics of academic lectures and psychological testing/treatment to engage with the gaps and pains of cross-disciplinary knowledge transfer. What does it mean to be a ‘mind-blind’ human, and how does this impact one's ability to function in a ‘normal’ social environment? Can we engage via creative analogy with this conceptual framework to better understand the difficulties faced by humans to interact with the non-human community? What new insights can an artistic exploration of autism research and ‘Mind Blindness’ provide for our understandings of (mis)communicate across difference? .
24 January, 2016 - Nenad Popov Art Science Swap - Two Heads Are Better than One | Entrance with donation
Workshop: starts at 2PM, followed by public presentation of results at 5PM.
…The states of mind involved in that sort of science and that sort of art are fundamentally the same. Both are seeking universal, objective truth. - David Deutsch
As a scientist you always think you know what you’re doing, so you tend to distrust the artist who says, “It’s great,” or “It’s no good,” and then is not able to explain to you why, as Jerry did with those drawings I took him. But here I was, sunk: I could do it too - Richard Feynman
Participants of the workshop are divided in the pairs of one artist and one scientist. Each pair will receive a problem to think about, each using their own method. That is the easy part. Then they are asked to switch roles - artists are supposed to think about the problem as scientists and scientists as artists. They monitor each others progress continuously and help each other. Then the process is repeated. Over a few iterations, both should have a glimpse into the methods of both art and science.
Please register:
30 January 2016, 7PM - Reading and presentation by Rüdiger Trojok from his forthcoming book
Biohacking - Gentechnologie für alle, Franzis Publishing House (in German) | Entrance with donation
In the last several years a global movement of citizen scientists has developed with biology as a particular focus: their work has become known as biohacking. This book serves all those interested in this topic as well as beginners by offering a basic understanding of the world from a molecular biological perspective, teaches how to read and write DNA and discusses the future technological and social implication of our newly gained ability to program life.
31 January, 2016, 3-6PM - Science Café with Berlin iGEM team | Entrance with donation
The iGEM Berlin team ( will recap their project for the 2015 International Genetically Engineered Machines Competition (iGEM) in Boston, as well as present ideas for 2016. Art Laboratory Berlin and iGem Berlin invite you to discuss ideas, projects and implications of current trends in the life sciences in an open cafe environment.
3 February, 2016 - Opening Night of transmediale/conversation piece
Haus der Kulturen der Welt (House of World Cultures, John-Foster-Dulles Allee 10, 10557 Berlin)
As part of the opening of the 2016 transmediale festival of art & digital culture at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Art Laboratory Berlin will present the performance 1000 Handshakes by François-Joseph Lapointe, curated by Regine Rapp und Christian de Lutz.
During this performative experiment Lapointe will shake hands with people, gradually changing the invisible microbial community in the palm of his hand. The DNA of this microbiome, whose samples were taken from his skin during the performance, will then be analysed to reveal how our contact with others shapes the microbes between us, how it changes who we are. The performance raises awareness through physical and social engagement, through acts of participation and exchange on social, individual and microbial levels. The handshake is a basic and ancient act of networking, forms the beginning of a social, scientific and artistic collaboration between the performer and the public. The results will form part of the exhibition The Other Selves. On the Phenomenon of the Microbiome opening later that month at Art Laboratory Berlin.
During the transmediale there will also be a talk with François-Joseph Lapointe and curators Regine Rapp and Christian de Lutz (Fri. 05.02.2016, 17-18.30, More information).
In cooperation with transmediale art&digitalculture
With the generous support of:
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