Artist Book Presentation
Prinzenallee - A Play without Dialog.
A Book Project by Birgit Szepanski and Regine Rapp
26 February 2010, 8PM, Book Release Party
28 February 2010, 3-6PM, Book Presentation
Art Laboratory Berlin is pleased to invite you to a presentation of the recently published artist book "Prinzenallee - Ein Stück ohne Dialoge" ("Prinzenallee - A Play without Dialog").
In 2008 Birgit Szepanski created a complex site specific installation at Art Laboratory Berlin, which referred to the street Prinzenallee in Berlin-Wedding as part of the exhibi-tion series Art and Text. Over a number of weeks the artist recorded traces of the street in her films, photographs and texts. In decidedly minimal formal language she was able to unfurl the street into the exhibition space by means of language, image and sound. In this newly released publication this is further expressed in the form of an artist book. (more information)
Prinzenallee - Ein Stück ohne Dialoge, Photograph, 2008
Prinzenallee - Ein Stück ohne Dialoge, Exhibition View, 2008