29 November at 3 PM

Prinzenallee,34 - Berlin
Since the late 1970s appropriation of images and information by such artists as Sherrie Levine and Richard Prince has become a common and accepted technique, part and parcel of postmodernism's critical approach. Indeed it follows a tradition that goes back through pop art and nouveau realisme to Dada and cubist collage. Not without ethical, aesthetic and legal controversy, a number of law cases involving appropriation seems to have increased in recent years involving artists such as Jeff Koons, Richard Prince and Shepard Fairey
The exhibition Creative Rights consists of three parts: The exhibition with four artistic positions, the Creative Rights Library with extensive material on the presented artists and other recent law cases as well as a workshop on the theme of copyright.
more at http://artlaboratory-berlin.org/html/eng-exh-16.htm and http://artlaboratory-berlin.org/html/eng-exh-archive.htm
Image: Azin Feizabadi, from Repititions-Revolutions -Rituals |
Art and Law IV
Creative Rights. On Appropriation, Copyright and Copyleft
Azin Feizabadi, Gilbert & George, Christian de Lutz, Triple Candie
The Creative Rights Library with documentation about Shepard Fairey vs AP, Richard Prince vs Patrick Cariou, Creative Commons, The Fair Use Projekt, Piratpartiet, etc.
Opening 27 November 2009, 8PM
Duration: 28 November 2009 - 7 February 2010
(closed 18 December 2009 - 3 January 2010)
Open Sat - Sun 2-6PM, exhibition tour 3PM
Workshop: "Copyright and related topics for artists. musicians, filmmakers and other creative producers" with Andreas Lichtenhahn (lawyer), in German.
28 November 2009, 15h (free, registration necessary: info@artlaboratory-berlin.org)
Creative Rights. On Appropriation, Copyright and Copyleft investigates questions concerning the use, re-use and misuse of images and information in the contemporary art world from artistic, legal, political and philosophical viewpoints. Since the late 1970s appropriation of images and information by such artists as Sherrie Levine and Richard Prince has become a common and accepted technique, part and parcel of postmodernism's critical approach. Indeed it follows a tradition that goes back through pop art and nouveau realisme to Dada and cubist collage. Not without ethical, aesthetic and legal controversy, a number of law cases involving appropriation seems to have increased in recent years involving artists such as Jeff Koons, Richard Prince and Shepard Fairey The exhibition Creative Rights consists of three parts: The exhibition with four artistic positions, the Creative Rights Library with extensive material on the presented artists and other recent law cases as well as a workshop on the theme of copyright. (more information) |