Sol LeWitt_Symposium
19/20 February, 2011
Venue: Glaskasten, Prinzenallee 33, 13359 Berlin (next door to Art Laboratory Berlin)
1970, Schematic Drawings for Muybridge II, 1964, New York: Multiples Inc.
An occasion in which all the artist books of Sol LeWitt are gathered into one exhibition invites further study. As we have done in previous exhibitions Art Laboratory Berlin would like to bring together artistic practice and scholarly debate, in this case in the form of a symposium. The complex nature of Sol LeWitt's artists' books specifically calls for examination by a variety of disciplines.
Beginning with a survey of the concept and the conceptual in LeWitt's work, continuing with a reflection on the medium of the book and the problem of authorship, the initial contributions will sketch LeWitt's art from art historical and literary perspectives. Additionally, contributions from the philosophy of art, musicology and mathematics will reflect on space and time, the question of a possible terminology and the phenomenon of serial geometric forms. Similarly, LeWitt's aesthetic production and his relationship to graphic design will be discussed. Finally, contributions from an artistic perspective as well as those of friends and collectors will illuminate practical and theoretical aspects of LeWitt's artistic work.
The symposium is open to the public and does not charge an admission fee (donations are welcome). The language of presentation corresponds to the respective announcements in the program; questions and contributions in both German and English, during the discussion, are of course possible.
The exhibition at Art Laboratory Berlin (Prinzenallee 34) will be open on 19 and 20 February from 12-8PM.
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Saturday, 19 February, 2011
The exhibition will be open from 12-8PM
Regine Rapp Art Historian, Art Laboratory Berlin
Welcome and Opening
Gregor Stemmrich Art Historian, Free University Berlin
"smart enough to be dumb". Sol LeWitts Konzept des "Konzeptuellen"
15:30 Break
Annette Gilbert Philologist, Free University Berlin
"[To] be read as a complete thought". Zu Sol LeWitts Verständnis des Buchs als (künstlerisches) Medium
Manuela Schöpp Art Historian, Humboldt University Berlin
Sol LeWitts Konzept der Autorschaft in seiner Autobiography
17:30 Break
Paul Maenz Collector, Berlin
Sol LeWitt - 100 Dollar und die Folgen...
Ken Wahl Artist, Berlin/ New York
Embodying the Concept: Sol LeWitt and the Aesthetic Paradox
Jonathan Monk Artist, Berlin
The Location of Eight Points
20:00 Reception in Foyer
followed by a buffet in the restaurant Relais de Savanne, Prinzenallee 33
Sunday, 20 February, 2011
The exhibition will be open from 12-8PM.
Adrian Piper Artist and Philosopher, Berlin
Die Einheit in Sol LeWitts Œuvre
Volker Straebel Musicologist, Technical University Berlin
Werkbegriff und Partitur-Metapher in Sol LeWitts wall drawings
Michael Rottmann Mathematician and Art Historian, Free University Berlin
“To See the Program in it.” Zur Rolle der Mathematik in der seriellen Kunst von Sol LeWitt
16:00 Break
Sabeth Buchmann Art Historian and Critic, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien/ Berlin
(In-)Visible Things on Paper
Aissa Deebi Artist and Graphic Designer, American University Cairo
Sol LeWitt as a Conceptualist Designer. Theory and Practice in Post-war Graphic Art
Regine Rapp Art Historian, Art Laboratory Berlin
Location of the Symposium: Glaskasten (former Schmidt's Ballhouse), Prinzenallee 33, 13359 Berlin (right next to Art Laboratory Berlin)
Symposium concept: Regine Rapp, Art Laboratory Berlin
Organisation and realisation: Regine Rapp, Christian de Lutz, Christina Korzen, Heiko
Pfreundt, the Art Laboratory Berlin Team
In cooperation with: |
Special thanks to Michael Schröder for his support of Art Laboratory Berlin this exhibition and its program. |