Saturday, January 25, 2014

Art & Science Dialog with Theresa Schubert and Andy Adamatzky

24 January, 2014, 8 PM: Art & Science Dialog with Theresa Schubert and Andy Adamatzky
In a dialogue between artist and scientist, Theresa Schubert and Andrew Adamatzky discuss working with the single cell organism Physarum polycephalum. As a living curiosum, this type of slime mould serves as a model for network optimisation. It can be interpreted as an 'agent' who distributively solves geometric problems. Presenting artworks and results of experiments, the talk challenges common understandings of intelligence and creativity, and emphasises a post-human view on the world and its creatures.

Theresa Schubert (l), Andy Adamatzky (r)
presentation: bio-computing with slime mould (Physarum)

Sonification of slime mould computing
Theresa Schubert's presentation
Slime mould computing most efficient path in a labyrinth

The Physarum is a large single cell visible by unaided eye. When colonizing space the Physarum moves towards attractants and stays away from repellents. Thus the slime mould forms an optimal network of protoplasmic tubes to transfer nutrients and metabolites. When  configurations of attractants and repellents are thought of as instantiations of mathematical problems the protoplasmic network developed  by slime mould  represents a solution.  Through impromptu experiments, analysis of artworks and research findings, Theresa and Andy will address meaning of primordial  creativity with emphasize on a emergence of post-humanism.

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